GET READY FOR ST. PATRICK'S DAY! Celebrate the patron saint of Ireland and the upcoming Vernal Equinox. Lift your glasses and raise your voices! Let's make some merry mayhem! Revels Song Leader Dauri Kennedy and keyboard favorite Andrew Manos will lead us all in a rousing selection of Irish tunes, favorite folk songs, novelty ditties, and more! Get ready to revel!
Tickets available at the door. Adults: $20 ~ Students: $15
Includes a song book, a choice of beverages, and a terrific time!
Creekside Restaurant & Bar, 4444 Hollister Avenue
Convenient parking in the Creekside lot.
Pub Sing in Creekside's LOWER PATIO.
PUB SING: Sunday, March 16th, 4:00 – 6:00 pm; Creekside Restaurant & Bar, 4444 Hollister Avenue
MAY DAY: Saturday, May 3rd, 12:00 noon; Center Court, Paseo Nuevo Mall, State Street
HARBOR SING: Mid-October
Banner photo by David Bazemore, 2013
December 1924: On Christmas Eve at the port of entry to the New World, immigrants are stranded. Families from Ireland, Russia and Germany must spend the night together along with the Mexican medical staff. They all find ways to respect and acknowledge their differences while celebration their shared rites of passage with traditional songs, dances, and stories.
See the 2023 Gallery page for photos and the program booklet.
Santa Barbara Revels celebrates a diverse range of cultural traditions by blending music, dance and storytelling in our staged celebrations of the Winter Solstice and other seasons.
We present a number of public events throughout the year. From concerts like Equinox to more informal community pub-sings, there is always an upcoming Revels happening.
The highlight of our season is The Christmas Revels, a joyful theatrical celebration of the winter solstice that travels the world each year showcasing cultural traditions including music, dance, and folktales.
Copyright © 2024 Santa Barbara Revels - All Rights Reserved.